Legal status: Unincorporated Association (but not with charitable status)
Title: The title of the Network will be Modernist Network Cymru (MONC)
The network aims to bring together scholars and professionals working on modernisms in Wales to encourage collaboration and communication.
The group includes, but is not limited to, the study of Welsh modernism. We define modernism broadly as literary, artistic, musical and cultural responses to modernity, predominately (but not exclusively) in the first half of the twentieth century. We welcome members working on, and interested in, modernisms and modernity in all their geographical and cultural diversity.
Forge links with creative and cultural groups and practitioners in the community.
Membership of the Network shall be open to all those interested in the aims of the Network.
Members become part of the Network when they attend a MONC event, or when they join the Network mailing list (which is a precursor for their engagement with an event).
Members cease to be a member of the Network when they are no longer part of the mailing list.
Area of benefit:
Specifically Wales
Generally worldwide
The Executive Steering Group has the following powers, which it carries out on behalf of the Network:
To circulate information to the Network relating to the objects of the Network;
Plan, promote and implement activities relating to the objects of the Network;
Manage the finances of the Network in a way that supports the objects of the Network;
Liaise with the Advisory Board;
To make secondary rules (by-laws) to help in the administration of the Executive Steering Committee and the Network;
To propose amendments to the governing document, for approval by the Members;
To propose the dissolution of the Network, with any surplus funds being distributed to another body with similar objects. Any outstanding debts after the use of all reserves will be the responsibility of the Executive Steering Group.
The amount of any subscription to the Network will be proposed by the Treasurer in consultation with the Executive Steering Committee.
The Network shall have a Chair, a Treasurer and a Secretary.
Other officers may be added later if necessary.
The officers shall be elected by the Annual General Meeting for a three-year term of office.
Officers shall be eligible for re-election at the conclusion of their term of office (for a maximum of two further consecutive periods).
Executive Steering Committee:
This will consist of the officers, two postgraduate representatives, and any other member wishing to contribute to the development of the Committee but without taking an Officer role.
The postgraduate representatives must be registered postgraduate research students.
Collectively the Executive Steering Committee (including postgraduate representatives) must represent the widest range of institutions within Wales.
Committee Members shall normally be elected either by appointment at the AGM or by electronic means. The term of office will be for three years, except in the case of postgraduate members where the term of office will be two years.
Committee members shall be eligible for re-election at the conclusion of their term of office (for a maximum of two more consecutive periods), except postgraduate members who will not be eligible for re-election.
Any election that takes place shall be organised by the Officers by a fair and transparent method.
Information about the election, including date of election and names of candidates, will be communicated to members at least two weeks prior to the AGM.
The Committee shall have the power to co-opt up to four ordinary members for a non-renewable period of up to two years.
Members of the Executive Steering Committee will cease to be members if they pass away during the course of their tenure, or are considered to be in breach of the (NOLAN) Seven Principles of Public Life.
Executive Steering Committee and Advisory Board members can be reimbursed for legitimate expenses, or paid for services provided to the Network.
Managing money:
The Network’s finances shall be managed by the Treasurer.
The Treasurer plus one other Committee Member are required to sign cheques.
Any surplus will be invested by the Network, to be used for the benefit of the Members and the objects of the Network.
Advisory Board:
This should ideally consist of academic representatives from every University within Wales.
Other professionals may be invited to join the Board to further support the work of the Executive Steering Committee and the Network generally.
Advisory Board members will support the work of the Committee in their professional capacity, and through their advocacy, support the aims of the Network.
The Executive Steering Committee shall meet at least three times a year.
Members of the Executive Steering Committee shall be in attendance and shall invite such other contributors to the meeting as appropriate, to further the aims of the Network and its activities.
In the Executive Steering Committee, a quorum consists of at least 50% of elected members, including at least one of the officers.
In an Annual General Meeting or Other General Meeting quorum consists of 12 members, including officers.
General Meetings:
An Annual General Meeting of the Network shall be held at such time of the year as the Committee shall determine.
Other General Meetings may be called at other times, with at least a month’s notice given to all members by the Executive Steering Committee.
All members of the Network in attendance at the meeting shall have the right to vote at such meetings.
The General Meeting of the Network may amend the constitution by a majority of two-thirds of the members present at the meeting, providing the meeting is quorate and that notice of the amendment proposed has been given to all members not less than one month before the General Meeting.
Dissolution: The Network may be dissolved by the agreement of not less than three-quarters of those present at a General Meeting specially summoned for this purpose, of which at least a month’s notice must have been given to all members.
Constitution: This constitution was discussed at and approved on Wednesday 13 September 2017 at the first AGM of the Modernist Network Cymru, held at the National Library of Wales.